Social Media Accounts To Follow For Mental Health Support

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At this time of social distancing and isolation, there’s no denying that 2020 has been distressing for most people and has caused many to suffer from mental health problems. While there are several factors that accumulate to the on-going stress of the pandemic, we must know that it’s okay to feel a certain way, and it’s also okay to seek advice. Emotional and mental health is important because it’s a crucial part of our lives and it impacts our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Scroll down for a list of social media accounts which provide helpful information on mental health and how it feels to experience it:

1. Umang Pakistan

Umang, is a 24/7 helpline that’s easily accessible for people suffering from mental health and is free of cost. This page is run by certified clinical psychologists that are recognized by WHO and it is a safe space for people to come and talk about their problems. It’s definitely a page that is highly recommended to someone who may need some advice.

2. Psych Central

Psych Central is a voice for mental health information, emotional support, and advocacy. They upload podcasts every week anonymously in order for others to feel safe to share stories about their mental health journey and have been able to touch the lives of millions of people around the world.

3. Mental Floss

Mental Floss is a social platform for students to discuss academic stress that they’ve experienced. Their instagram is designed to help students deal with stress in a positive manner, to provide a better lifestyle and a new perspective to education. Suggest this to someone going through a difficult time with school, university, or work!

4. Wellness With Haya

Haya is a psychotherapist specialized in Humanistic Integrative counselling, and uses her network to promote emotional healing, wellness, and understanding yourself on a conscious level. Her instagram is built to spread awareness, get people to live a life being the best version of themselves, and promote self-love through her journey.

5. Milennial Therapist

In midst of a global pandemic, Millennial Therapists are here to save the day! Their social network aims to help millennials cope with mental health concerns during the pandemic, live freely, and feel empowered. This account provides a safe, non-judgemental space where people can feel supported and heard.

6. Wellness First

Wellness First is a platform based in Karachi and is run by Khadija Zahid, a sandplay therapist that promotes wellness and growth. Through her posts, she spreads awareness about mental health, and talks about delving into the core self to heal and grow.

7. The Healing Breeze

The Healing Breeze is also Karachi based and is led by a Psychotherapeutic counsellor who uses her platform as a place for knowledge, awareness, and healing. She shares her experiences in the past regarding the obstacles, challenges, and realizations she faced and wants other people to share their journey as well. This is a great account to follow as it teaches you about the different mental health issues, and how to combat them.

8. Ruhbaru

Ruhbaru is a well-known online mental health and well-being platform in Pakistan, where individuals have the chance to voice their opinions and share stories without feeling ashamed by them. Ruhbaru provides consultations with mental health experts to make therapy easily available for people suffering with mental health illnesses. Anyone feeling lonely or depressed and wants therapy, should follow Ruhbaru.

9. Zaaviyah

Zaaviyah is a group of individuals with different paths and aspirations in life who got together because they had something in common: they were all suffering from problems, but didn’t want to talk about it. They thought by sharing their experiences and how they got through the difficult time in their lives, they could others who might be going through similar experiences.

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