Debunking The Myths About Coffee

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The pros and cons of coffee have been debated on for as long as we can remember, but not all of what is said is true. Yes, your caffeine intake should be moderated but having 2 cups of coffee in a day is a healthy amount and can have several positive effects on your mind and your body. As avid coffee lovers, we took it upon ourselves to bust some of the common myths regarding coffee. Scroll down to read them (and watch out for part two!):

Coffee Will Dehydrate You 

How many times have we all heard that coffee should be avoided as it’s going to cause dehydration? Well, that’s false. While caffeinated drinks may have a mild diuretic effect, it isn’t enough to dehydrate your body. In order for coffee to significantly impact you in this manner, you need to be having roughly 5 cups of it in a day, which is way more than what the average coffee drinker drinks. 

Instant Coffee Has No Health Benefits

Many people believe that instant coffee loses its nutritional benefits, but that’s simply not true. Coffee has an abundance of antioxidants and whether it’s instant coffee or brewed coffee, those antioxidants are still present and you’re still able to benefit from them. So go make your cup of instant coffee, sit back and enjoy guilt-free – you deserve this moment to yourself!

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