Word of Mash: How To Get Rid Of An Insect Infestation

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Anyone else grow up loving rainy days, waking up to the pitter patter on your window sill, warm hugs from abu, pakorey and chai on the terrace? Only to wake up a few days later and for it to not be as magicalcreepy crawlies finding their way through the cracks in the wall, and don’t even get me started on the drainage system. The drainage system, wewish we could help with. But about those creepy crawlies, we’ve got you covered! Keep scrolling.

For your surroundings:

Pest control — @sanaashar._
Ammonium — @saeedrida
Fumigation — @chia_192

For your body:

Calming lotions — @maham.mughal
Mospel lotion — @calligraphy.by.qaIb
My backyard was infested with moth caterpillars, and I ended up having a severe allergic reaction to them. If anyone is facing this problem, please don’t dry your clothes or put your mattresses outside for as long as you can see the caterpillars roaming around as the bristles get stuck to clothes. One thing which is finally working is spraying undiluted white vinegar in the area. — @zahrashamail

For everything:

Not to mention out favourite answer out of them all!

Chapal — @marryyamkhan 😳😳

Fumigation seems
to be the winning answer as per all of you!But that may not always be practical as it requires you to empty your house for a period of time. Try natural oil diffusers in your home and surroundings, and get that pest control appointment for when you’re out of town! Oruse your chapal, maybe? Leaving you with a personal favourite poem that keeps us from killing (some) bugs:

“She asks me to kill the spider.

Instead, I get the most

peaceful weapons I can find.

I take a cup and a napkin.

I catch the spider, put it outside

and allow it to walk away.

If I am ever caught in the wrong place

at the wrong time, just being alive

and not bothering anyone,

I hope I am greeted

with the same kind

of mercy.”

Rudy Fransisco, Mercy

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