Ask Mr X: “My problem is that my husband takes away all my salary and spends it on himself – on his shopping and socialization. What do I do?”

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Ever wanted advice on your relationship from that cool guy friend who has all the answers? Well, Mr. X is that friend for you. Every other week, he’s going to answer the questions you send him and if there’s one thing you can count on him for, it’s being honest. So go ahead, ask Mr. X

I am a married woman with a one-year-old baby girl. My problem is that my husband takes away all my salary and spends it on himselfon his shopping and socialization. He doesn’t let me buy stuff for myself and even not for my daughter. If I stop him from spending my money, he becomes angry and sometimes violent. Please advise me regarding this matter”

Let me get straight to the point. This man, your husband, is abusing you. This is financial abuse. Your salary is your rightfully earned money, and you should be allowed to spend it how you please. It is not for him to spend on himself. And it is certainly not for him to take away from you without your will for any reason at all.

What I’m extremely happy to hear is that you are earning (so many others in your position are don’t and truly have no place to go). But you, you can support yourself and your daughter. My only advice to you, and the best advice I can possibly give is to leave him and start fresh. If you do choose to get married to someone else in the future, make sure it’s someone who respects you. This man does not. Trust me, this will only get worse with time. Get out now.

Wish you the best of luck on your journey ahead.



To send in your questions for Mr.X, email with the subject ‘Question for Mr.X’. Don’t worry – you will remain anonymous! 

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