Independence Day Activities To Teach Your Kids About The Struggles Of Partition

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Pakistan turns 75 today – it’s been 75 years of struggle, achievements, highs and lows. This Independence Day, we want to celebrate the freedom that this country has given us, as well as the struggles our grandparents and great-grandparents went through. Use this Independence Day as an opportunity to educate your children about the struggles on Pakistan. We’ve got a few ideas below!

Hoisting-The-Flag ceremony

Hosting a flag ceremony on 14th August with your kids, their friends and cousins would be an excellent way to celebrate independence day with your children. You can use this opportunity to sing the national anthem, as well as educate your children on the meaning of the Pakistani flag.

Have a Movie Night

Using movies and dramas to help kids visualize the struggle our forefathers went through at the time of partition would be a good way to get your kids to appreciate the country and space we live in. Some of our favourites are:

  • Jinnah
  • Aangan
  • Daastaan

Be sure to skim through these movies and shows once to make sure it’s child friendly though! It might be a good idea to forward any parts that might be a bit too violent for children.

Translating the National Anthem

Chances are your kids know the national anthem word for word. But do they know what it means? Why not make an activity of translating the national anthem with them? All you’d need are some printouts of the national anthem, as well as colour pencils and pens. Use google to help find the literal translation of some of the most important Persian words in the national anthem. Guide the children into figuring out and understanding the meaning of each sentence on their own.

Visit TDF Ghar in Karachi

TDF Ghar offers some lovely activities for kids and adults, like videos and documentaries on old Karachi, indoor games, like chess and carom, a historical guide as well as a rooftop view of Mazar e Quaid. The house itself is a lovely snapshot in time of what life was like right after the partition. The house has been preserved beautifully and is an excellent way to educate your children about the culture and history of Pakistan.

Facilitate a Conversation Between Your Children and Older Family Members

If your grandparents, granduncles, or grandaunts are still alive, having your kids speak to them about partition and the struggles they went through would be an excellent way to teach your children about partition. Bonus points if they have a few pictures left over from their childhoods in India or right after the partition! It’s important to keep these stories alive because they’re such a major part of our history, and what better way to keep them alive than by relaying it to your children?

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