Want Super Hair? Check Out The New Sunsilk Super-Mix Shampoo!

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What is one shampoo brand that makes you feel stylish and confident? Chances are, the first brand to come to mind would be Sunsilk, and you wouldn’t be wrong. Sunsilk is back with another one of their sensational launch campaigns for the new Sunsilk Super-mix with the goodness of oils, protein, and vitamins that will give you the super hair of your dreams.

The launch campaign began with a national takeover of the country’s tv channels. All screens lost their signals and glitched for a few seconds that left the viewers intrigued and curious, just as a simple question appeared before them on the screen, “Want super hair?”

Alongside the ‘glitch’ advertisement, the brand installed bright, pink billboards with sparks across three major cities of the country. The colour, the spark, and the eye-catching design was hard to miss.

In another ingenious and highly effective move, the brand put up a screen at Boat Basin, one of the most bustling areas of Karachi, that asked passer-by’s one simple question: “Do you want super hair?” It caused quite a stir in the city and it was all anybody could talk about.

Next up, the brand wanted to create a stir in the digital world. Several influencers revealed the hair problems they faced but were interrupted by a glitch and the same message followed up, “Want super hair?” Their display pictures also vanished from their profiles and all that was visible was the spark that had become a point of major conversation at this point.


Lastly, leading publications wrote extensively about the launch. They called it ‘genius and attention-grabbing’ because the campaign managed to accomplish everything it set out to do. It caused a lot of hype, with everyone talking about it.

And once the hype and curiosity had peaked, the brand revealed the new Sunsilk Super-mix. So, get your hands on the new Sunsilk and get #SuperHairWithSuperMix, now in stores nationwide!

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