Our metabolism breaks down our food consumption into energy to help us carry out our daily activities. It also contributes widely in helping our body function normally. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding the workings of the body’s metabolism. The idea of the metabolism slowing down as you age is one of them, and the information regarding what to do to support your metabolism as you age is either ambiguous or speculative.
We decided to contact nutritionist, Kiran Asad*, to help us understand what exactly happens to our metabolism as we age and what we can do to support it while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
What Happens To Our Metabolism As We Age?
One of the common beliefs regarding metabolism is that as we age, it is harder to lose weight. However, according to Kiran Asad – who cited the journal Science – there are four distinct metabolic changes that occur throughout one’s time. The first being till the age of 1, the other being from age 1 to 20, the third being no change or ‘steady’ in adulthood (from age 20-60), and finally the fourth being how the metabolism declines at the rate of 0.7% a year after the age of 60.
This information is completely new to this particular field of study as it indicates a number of reasons that may cause a shift in metabolism. For example, the food intake, the change in day to day activity and one’s different stress levels. The decline in metabolic health from age 60, as this new journal suggests, is because important organs are functioning less effectively than for those below the age of 60.
However, we also asked Kiran on the particular lifestyle changes that can counterbalance the effects caused by slow metabolic rate as we age.

Our body is constantly burning calories ,even when we are resting i.e. sitting or lying down. However, resting metabolic rate is higher in those people who have muscle which leads to burning more calories even when one is not doing anything. Which is why it is important to do strength training and high intensity workouts that increase the metabolic rate leading to a healthy body and mind.
Avoid Skipping Meals and Crash Diets
Skipping meals is not an option and it is a common misconception that if one skips meals they will lose weight in a healthy and efficient way. However, skipping meals only slows the metabolic rate. Our body will start to store more fat and conserve energy when it will not get proper food on time. The body is more likely to slowly burn calories when one is skipping meals which impacts our metabolism negatively.
As expert nutritionist Kiran explained, a healthy diet has a significant impact on our overall health. A healthy diet has limited sugar and processed foods and mainly consists of high fibre foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.
Sleep Routine
As expert nutritionist Kiran explained, a healthy diet has a significant impact on our overall health. A healthy diet has limited sugar and processed foods and mainly consists of high fibre foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.A healthy sleep routine is much needed to have a healthy metabolism. Sleep is important because it not only improves brain activity, but also helps regulate our sugar levels and insulin resistance. As a healthy sleep routine helps balancing sugar levels, it also promotes a healthy metabolic rate which is again beneficial for as we grow older.
Along with severe health problems that dehydration can cause, it can also slow down the metabolism. Staying hydrated is important as it contributes to a healthy metabolic rate. It aids in healthy digestion which again helps the metabolism to work faster.
Proteins help one to feel full for longer periods of time and thus prevents one from overeating. Which is why it is important to consume protein as recommended by your nutritionist. Appropriate portions of food also help in contributing to a healthy metabolic rate which can help convert food into energy faster.
Breakfast Options
As breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it is important to have a healthy nutritious one. ‘One size fits all’ cannot be applied over here. Different bodies have different nutritional requirements but a protein rich breakfast is always recommended. As recommended by Kiran Asad, one should always opt for whole grain bread. Some good options would be eggs with non-starchy vegetables such as carrots or oatmeal with chia seeds and berries.

Kiran Asad has done her BSc in nutrition, and is a registered dietician who graduated from the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics in USA. She is also a member of the Florida Dietetics Association and is licensed with the Dietetics & Nutrition Practice Council in Florida. She currently provides consultancy in a clinic in Lahore. For further details, please click here.
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