4 Things We Learnt About Dog Training From Professional Dog Trainer Abdul Qadir

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Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a dog trainer? Or what exactly you need to become one? Well, lucky for you we had professional dog trainer, Abdul Qadir from @dogtrainerkarachik9 come to Mashion HQ and share his expertise with us. Keep reading to find out what we learnt from him!

The Essentials To Become A Dog Trainer

How exactly does on even become a dog trainer? According to Abdul Qadir, you need training of course. But more importantly, you need drive, dedication and passion for the job (and of course, the dogs!).

Vicks Can Be A Lifesaver

Does your dog keep biting your hands when you play with him? Our expert recommends applying vicks over your hands to solve this problem! Enjoy playing with your furry companion now without any worry!

Don’t Start The Training Too Soon!

Yes, we know. It can be tempting to train your dogs asap but Abdul Qadir says to wait at least 4 months so that your dog’s vaccinations are complete. Otherwise, you could be putting your dog at risk and you definitely don’t want that!

Don’t Dismiss Aggressiveness

If your dog is acting aggressive, there could be a multitude of factors behind it. Instead of ignoring it, get your little one checked from a vet because there might even be an underlying health issue causing this behaviour. If there’s no health problem, our expert suggests trying to socialise your pet under controlled environments.

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