My First Time…Going Go-Karting

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For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Nargis: single, 20 something (a woman never reveals her age), and looking to have the best time around town. My best friend is Tina who I have been stuck with since our primary days – she might be featuring in a lot of my adventures, so might as well introduce her now (plus, I know she’s dying for a shoutout). My friends and family are constantly bugging me to share my ideas and opinions –  naturally who else will give such great advice? So I thought what better time to start giving back to my community than right now. Today I am going to tell you about my first time going go-karting. 

Last week Tina was flying out to Islamabad for some work, so us girls decided to make a little trip out of it. Enjoy some fresh air, Islamabad greenery, and some peace and quiet from Karachi’s hustle and bustle. On our last day of the trip I decided to take the girls Go Karting. It’s not our usual choice of leisure but I had been dying to try it, and it was the perfect opportunity!

Ab gaari toh chalani nahin aati, but I thought how hard can this be? I have to admit the girl’s weren’t too excited about my last day surprise – they were expecting a nice outdoor brunch or a relaxing day at the spa, but I wasn’t taking no for an answer. It was an easy process: pay, wait your turn, get your helmet and gear on, strap yourself in and you’re ready to go. The six of us got in our karts and the panic started to kick in…what if we crash, what if my kart breaks down? Then before we had time to think, the engines started and the race was on. Tina flew out of the way without looking back. I’m telling you I’ve never met anyone more competitive than this woman! To my surprise I was at the end while all the other ladies were speeding ahead. Quite the audacity you know, after all I brought them here and not even one waited for me! But after a few minutes and a small crash, I got the hang of it and was speeding past the other ladies, till I realised they were a whole round ahead of me. But I wasn’t in it for the race, I was in it for the experience. Tina wouldn’t stop gloating about her win, in fact the girls loved it so much they demanded a rematch, which unfortunately we had more than enough time for before our flight so we decided to go again. And no, I didn’t win the second round either, but neither did Tina! So thankfully I didn’t have to hear her chat about it the whole plane ride back. 

Now I hear we have our very own track in Karachi, so the racing will definitely continue! We might even form our own racing team, who knows?

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