For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Nargis: single, 20 something (a woman never reveals her age), and looking to have the best time around town. My best friend is Tina who I have been stuck with since our primary days – she might be featuring in a lot of my adventures, so might as well introduce her now (plus, I know she’s dying for a shoutout). My friends and family are constantly bugging me to share my ideas and opinions – naturally who else will give such great advice? So I thought what better time to start giving back to my community than right now. Today I am going to tell you about my first time getting a rishta (yikes!)…
So, I don’t know how many of you have experienced this yet, but this week, I received my first rishta. Yes, you read that right. We’ve seen it all in the films and dramas, but when it actually happens it’s not your average blockbuster playing out. Love at first sight, your dupatta getting caught in his sleeve, reaching for the gulab jamun at the same time – save all that for the movies. It’s been a dry season on Bumble and I’ve just been enjoying the single life to be honest, but Ami’s been on my case to finally settle down and just get me out of the house at this point, so I decided why not – it could be fun.
Before Ami got too excited I set some ground rules. Firstly, under no circumstances was I walking out with a tray of chai whilst avoiding eye contact with the entire room. Secondly, there would be no “shy dulhan” acting on my part. And thirdly, I was going to be 100% myself. I was surprised to get her on board so quickly, Baba’s always on my side anyway! The parents spoke on the phone, I saw a few pictures, they set a date to meet and that was that. Such a funny concept when you think about it – as if we were setting up a playdate for school children. As the day came closer I got more and more nervous, which was very unlike me. I just wanted to meet him, have a little chat and get it over with!
To my surprise, it went as smooth as ever. I of course had no filter, went on and on about my work, travelling, studies, I had to actually remind myself to let them talk a bit. We discussed our likes and dislikes, his work and you know all the boring stuff. I provided the entertainment for the night, as usual, had the whole room in laughing fits with all my Tina stories – besides knocking over my chai I think I did pretty well. He was a perfectly lovely guy, not like the disasters I met on Bumble shukkur hai, and Ami couldn’t look happier to see me getting along with someone if she tried. I had to call her to the side to make sure she doesn’t start setting my wedding dates already. Obviously there wasn’t going to be any wedding dhols ringing so soon, not without a Tina consultation anyway. But, we decided to exchange numbers, stay in touch and see where things go!

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