Losing someone you love is not easy in any way and occasions such as Eid only amplify the loss. If this is your first Eid celebrating after you lost someone, here are a few things you can do this Eid. P.S – we are sending you so much love!
Surround Yourself With People Who Make You Happy
It’s important to be present and mindful of the people that stick by you through the hard times and support you when you’re struggling. They’ll be able to offer you support, understand what you’re going through and know what the best way is to be there for you. Being with them will also let them know that you’re grateful for them and care about the loved ones that are still with you.
Avoid Social Media
It’s very easy to look at something on social media and go down the spiral of comparing yourself with other people and constantly thinking about what you have, and what you don’t. Instead put that time and effort into making it a memorable day for yourself and your family (without having to post about it online).
Take A Break
The importance of taking a break or time out for yourself cannot be stressed enough. Life can get really chaotic with trying to keep a good balance between your work and personal life. It can especially be very mentally exhausting after you’ve suffered the loss of a loved one. This Eid, make yourself a priority and spend time doing something that makes you feel good, even if it’s something as simple as cooking or reading a book.

Plan Something Special With Friends
Nobody likes to be alone on special occasions – especially if you’ve recently lost a loved one. So if you don’t have any family around then try celebrating this Eid with a friend or friends, you could host your own dinner party and invite some of your closest friends to celebrate with. Having something solid planned will have you looking forward to something and keep you busy.
Make Sure Others In Your Family Are Doing Okay
While you may have processed the loss of the person you have lost, others might need more time to mourn, so try to lend a listening ear to anyone who needs it. It could be you yourself who needs to talk to someone about how you feel, so make sure you keep that in mind for yourself and others.
Keep The Old Traditions Alive
Often after losing someone, we tend to do things differently because that person is not around anymore because it doesn’t feel the same without them. But trying to keep the old traditions alive may be exactly what you and your family need this Eid. Try not to let your years old family traditions die out. For example, if you celebrated Eid a certain way when your loved one was around, try to keep that up even after they’re gone – it’ll be like you’re still celebrating with them, and they’ll be there in spirit. This in turn will help you and family feel closer to those you’ve lost.
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