There are some days that are just meant to be special and Eid is one of them. This Eid however will be unlike any other. Social distancing means we can’t host the eid lunches we are used to, go to the numerous family dinners, or spend all night packed in a room with all our favourite cousins. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still ways to make this Eid feel a little more hopeful than the rest of our days. Scroll down to see see how you make this day special for you and your family.
But, while you’re at it, in the light of current events such as the Covid-19 outbreak and the ethnic cleansing taking place in Palestine, also take this day to be grateful and do better. Click here to read our suggestions on some of the ways you can do that.
1. Arrange For A Zoom Call With All Your Family Members
As we all have learnt these past few months, arranging a zoom call with our family and friends is the only way to make it through this quarantine. If you’re away from family, this is the best way to feel connected to them. And if you’re feeling extra festive, you can even change your background to an Eid themed one – you’ll definitely get a few laughs from that!
2. Dress Up
We can’t greet each other eid in the same manner we’re used to, but that doesn’t mean everything has to be different. Even if you’re just at home, you can still dress up for your family and most importantly, yourself! If you haven’t been dressing up during this quarantine, making the extra effort today will definitely make your day seem more special. You can even have a mini photoshoot – there’s nothing that feels more normal than taking an Eid picture for the gram!
3. Cook An Eid Meal Together As A Family
Is there any bonding experience greater than cooking together? Yeah, we don’t think so either. You can either pick a brand new recipe (if you haven’t exhausted all the options during quarantine already) or you can make a family recipe together. To make it feel even more special, set the table with the fancy cutlery that’s been dusting away the past two months; there’s no better time to use it than on Eid!

4. Decorate Your House With DIY Eid Decorations
There’s no better way to get in the mood for festivities than by surrounding yourself with things that will help get you in the spirit. It can be as simple as hanging fairy lights, cutting up a star and crescent from chart paper, or even just lighting candles. The point is to do what helps put you in the mood! Refer to our next point for something that might help!
5. Curate An Eid Playlist
Music helps with everything. During this uncertain and stressful time, a playlist that everyone can enjoy throughout the day, will definitely be appreciated. You can play it in the background while you cook, decorate, dress up, and you can even crank it up and have a dance session! Remember, it’s important to take moments to be happy.
6. Plan An Indoor Movie Night
There’s little a movie night can’t make better. Choose a movie that’s family friendly, make some yummy snacks and get ready to get cozy with your family! If you have kids in the house, you could even make forts with blankets, mattresses and pillows – trust us, kids love this! We’d recommend going all out and doing a binge night, but if you’d prefer keeping it short, why not revisit an old classic? P.S – if you’re quarantined away from your family, do a zoom call and set up Netflix party. It won’t be the same as being in the same room as them, but it’s the next best thing!

7. Have A Game Night
If you’re in the mood for something more exciting that’s sure to get everyone on their feet and in fighting gear, plan a game night. Pile up all the board games, create a game board to keep track of points and be ready for an intense night. Some of our suggestions would be Ludo, Scrabble, Pictionary, Taboo, Catan, Cards Against Humanity, or even a good card game or heads up! The world is your…playground.
8. Give (And Receive!) Eidi
Okay, who doesn’t love Eidi? It’s one of the best things about Eid and as a child, it’s what most of us looked forward to. It’s a tradition without which Eid seems incomplete, so why let social distancing get in the way of being able to enjoy this Eid custom? In the same manner that most of us have been shifting our daily activities online, you can also give and receive Eidi through an online bank transfer! Services like easypaisa, jazz cash and your mobile apps make this possible with just the touch of a button. Now there really is no excuse to miss out on this – let all your family members know!

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