If you’re from Pakistan, chances are December and wedding season are essentially synonyms for you. This year, shaadis will be a little (read: a lot) different, all thanks to COVID-19. While we don’t condone attending events during this time, we understand that there might be times you may just have to. Keep reading for a list of DOs and DONTs all wedding guests should follow to ensure safety:
The Do’s
Wear A Mask
At this point, we sound like a broken record every time we say this but the repetition is necessary! Wearing a mask is for you and those around you, so be sure not to miss the most coveted accessory of the season from your wedding outfit!
Keep Sanitising Your Hands
Being safe doesn’t only mean wearing masks and social distancing, but also being proactive and ensuring you’re safe from those germs! Keep a sanitiser at hand – you never know when you might need it.
Maintain A Distance While Taking Selfies
Did you even attend a wedding or any other social event for that matter — if you don’t have any IG stories to show for it? Our vote is: no. Having said that, keeping your distance while taking photos is extremely necessary. Masks are of no use if you don’t socially distance as well!
Eat From Home
If possible eat your food from home so there’s minimal contact with waiters, other guests and cutlery. P.S — we know how difficult it is to resist shaadi ka khaana, but to minimise the chances of contracting the virus, this is something we have to be willing to do.

Do Not
Wear A Lot Of Makeup
Assuming that you won’t be taking off your mask throughout (hopefully!), applying heavy layers can result in some serious mask-ne. Our suggestion – keep the makeup minimal.
Touch Your Face
One thing that’s really hard to resist is touching your face! But you have to do what you have to do. Coronavirus is easily transmitted through the mucous membranes in the nose, eyes and mouth. Avoiding touching your face can prevent you from contracting the virus even when you’ve physically been in contact with someone that has it.
Hug Anyone
A wedding is a joyful occasion filled with hugs and kisses but unfortunately we need to hit the brakes on those big hugs, at least for a while. The new way of showing love is by keeping your dear ones at a physical distance! Strangely ironic, right?)
Be Nosy/Rude
Organising a wedding in the middle of a pandemic can be a really daunting task. It’s possible that some things don’t go as flawlessly as they would have gone under normal circumstances. In that case it’s best to keep your thoughts and criticisms to yourself.
Crowd The Food Area
Crowded buffets and long lines are common occurrences at all desi weddings. But again, this time around, things need to be different! Instead of rushing for the food once it opens, wait at your table for the area around the food to get empty.

Cover Image: Oshoot Photography
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