6 Books By Local Authors That Mashion Staffers Are Currently Enjoying

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With the chilly winds upon us, we’re already dreaming about winter nights in bed with a warm cup of chai and a good book – there’s nothing quite like it. At Mashion, we’re huge advocates for reading especially when the reading involves local writers and talent. Markings is a publishing house that believes in supporting and uplifting fellow Pakistani writers and at the time of their 10th anniversary, we could think of nothing better than to recommend a few books published by them to get you through the winter nights. Scroll down for some of our Mashion staffers’ favourite reads published by them:

Deliciously Yours: Chocolates And Desserts By Lal Majid

Lal Majid is the founder and chocolatier behind Lals Chocolates, so obviously she came out with a recipe book for desserts that’s filled with mouth-watering dishes. Our content editor, Maryam Ansari, obviously gravitated towards this book because of her sweet tooth. Here’s what she had to say: 

‘I love reading recipe books more to learn the mechanics of each dish, than to actually follow the recipe. That’s why this book is something I’ve enjoyed going through lately. The dishes also revolve around my absolute favourite thing –  chocolate. There’s recipes for truffles, chocolates, cupcakes, desserts like tiramisu and also mango mousse for the non-chocolate lovers out there. If you have a love for sugar like me, or are in the market for a good dessert recipe book, this is one you should definitely get your hands on!’

Ismail Ka Urdu Sheher – An Illustrated Sci-Fi Novel And Music Album by Zohaib Kazi

Music producer, Zohaib Kazi, has been incredibly innovative with his concept for this. Ismail Ka Urdu Sheher is a science fiction novel and a concept album that has an animated video to go along with it. It follows the journey of a Earth’s Large Hadron Collider experiment in the future which has repercussions on the way the universe is fabricated. Ismail Alset, the foremost scientist of that world, is left confused and has to figure out what caused this. It is a journey that will lead him to question various things about the world he lives in, as well as his own personal life. It is a novel that our video producer, Arham Ikram, has currently been enjoying:

‘I judged this book by its great cover art and I’m so glad I did. Not only is the illustration out of this world (no pun intended) but the way the album is complementing the book will take you on an odyssey you’re definitely not ready for.’

Wind Beneath Your Wings By Marzia Hassan

Sometimes all we need are reminders of why life is so beautiful, and that’s exactly what this book gives. It is in fact, in line with Markings philosophy of spreading positivity as one of their initial titles, Choti Choti Khushiyan was also in the same vein. Wind Beneath Your Wings is a book that reminds one of the small joys in life and not only gain positivity, but also spread it. It’s a book that our social media manager, Zoha Naqvi has been currently reading:

‘This book reminds us of how important it is to count our everyday blessings because these are what lead us to our ultimate happiness and not some huge milestone we may set for yourself. This is a must read for those who have a tough time feeling grateful!’

White in the Flag – A Promise Forgotten by Mobeen Ansari

Mobeen Ansari’s photo book was released in honour of Pakistan’s 70th anniversary and celebrates the diversity present within Pakistan. Each shot has a narrative and that, along with its representation of the religious minorities in society, is where the beauty of the book lies. It was the pick of our Co-Founder, Hassaan Khan. Here’s what he has to say about it: 

‘To get an up close visual of the dynamic cultures, communities and religions in our country was an absolute treat! Kudos to Ansari for highlighting the very soul of our nation – its people. From Holi to Sunday mass, Sindh to the Northern areas, this book is a glimpse into just how diverse our people are.’

Choti Choti Khushiyan by Ruqayya Diwan Adamjee

This was the first Markings Khudi book that was published and it offers a glimpse into the small joys that the people in Pakistan experience. It also happens to be the first published work of illustrator Ruqayya Diwan Adamjee and is a book that’s definitely added some happiness into the life of our Marketing Head, Anam Sadick:

‘This book is all about those small pleasures in life that make it wonderful. And it’s all about things that are quintessentially Pakistani making this a really relatable and uplifting read. My favorite part – baarish mein pakoray!’

Tapulicious By Tapu Javeri

Tapu Javeri is a Pakistani photographer, radio host and jewellery designer. Out of his many talents, art and fashion photography definitely stands out as is made evident in this book. It’s filled with celebrity shots and while one might argue there is less text, the pictures really do speak for themselves! This is what our Head Of Branded Content, Mustafain Bokhary had to say about the book: 

‘To me Tapulicious isn’t just about aesthetically pleasing beautiful photos but about the moment in time that’s been captured in each photograph. It seems that Tapu captures an era and a story!’

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