Have you ever sat down to complete an important task and then suddenly found yourself down an instagram stalking spiral or engrossed in watching the latest episode of your favorite tv show? Or perhaps you realize that you have to take the dog out for a walk? Well, you aren’t the only one! We are here to help you combat procrastination by suggesting some tips, scroll down to learn more:
Get Organised
How can you get any work done without knowing what assignments are due? A pro tip is investing in a day planner or using the calendar application on the phone to organuse yourself. This will make it easier to keep track of individual assignments, important due dates and deadlines – less excuses to fall behind!

Set Attainable Goals
Majority of the reason why we procrastinate is because the task at hand seems too overwhelming. It’s a lot more manageable to start on a project when you establish goals rather than a vague plan. In order to set achievable goals, you should break down the items on your to-do list into small, manageable steps. For example, instead of telling yourself, “I’ll work or study for the Math exam” say, “I’ll focus on chapter 3 tonight.” This makes it less intimidating and more attainable.

Create A Timeline
After your goals are set, create a timeline for when to complete them. Breaking an assignment into smaller chunks over time makes it more manageable. For example if you are getting ready for a crucial pitch meeting, focus on each part individually such as the audience, or the presentation itself.

Give Yourself A Deadline
To help keep you on track, consider giving each task on your list a deadline. Many people get trapped in the idea that ‘someday’, they will get to organising notes, or that they’ll ‘eventually’ answer emails. The reality of it is that ‘someday’ and ‘eventually’ never come. It’s critical to set a specific date for when you want your goals to be completed. Ideally, you want to have the assignment done two days prior to the deadline. That way, if something unexpected happens, you still have extra time to complete it and make any changes.

Eliminate Distraction
When it comes to distractions, we all have many but what pulls your attention the most? Is it scrolling through instagram, chatting to your friends on whatsapp, or watching your favorite tv show? Whatever it is, turn off any source of distraction whilst completing your work!

Reward Yourself With Incentives
When you finish an item on your to-do list as scheduled, reward yourself by indulging in something you find exciting. It’s important to give yourself incentives, no matter how small. It could be as simple as rewarding yourself by watching a movie you’ve been meaning to, or treating yourself to your favourite meal!

Get The Hard Stuff Out Of The Way
It’s hard to do something that you don’t want to do. But guess what? Once you do it, it’s over! You won’t have to think about it again.

Take A Break
For your mental health, it’s important to take breaks from work every now and then. Take a 10-30 minute break. Listen to music, get fresh air by taking a walk – anything that takes your mind off work and allows you to relax.

Cover Image: @mahamsmayhem
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