In light of the current pandemic. mass furlough has affected much of the population around the world. The climate right now is, in truth, unpredictable. With the current WFH lifestyle, it makes sense to seek out remote working job opposrtunities as a means to further personal development, while staying safe. Currently, companies have begun to shape their work environment’s around remote opportunites as they need you as much as you need them. If you need information to help you navigate the realm of remote working, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Consider Administrative Roles
Clerical tasks and administrative roles are in high demand as a result of distance complexities – and these are perfect if you are looking for a 9-5 role that truly require fundamental communicative skills, as well as other foundational abilities. Linkedin is a perfect resource for seeking job opportunities in your area – roles are available in relation to your mile or city radius depending on your preference. Don’t be frightened by the level of opportunity here – there are plenty of roles in large technology companies. many based in Islamabad and Lahore, where you can work remotely from other areas.
Explore Freelancing
Explore websites like Fiverr, Monster, CEO Worldwide, Go Abroad and Expat Network. This is a fantastic opportunity to display your freelance services. Yes, freelancing can be intimidating if you prefer regiment and security in your working environment – but if you can, you should certainly give it a go alongside applying for other roles that are perhaps more fixed. Many of these are different in the sense that they allow you to offer your services to worldwide customers, for over 300+ job categories. Fiver for example, is particularly great for those of you who are interested in design, advertising and production/content roles, as these roles can be executed remotely in effective and efficient ways.

A Website Catered Towards Finding Jobs For Those Affected By The Pandemic
This website is great – it’s a searchable database that provides coherent information about companies that are active and are calling for workers in consideration of the pandemic. The website is updated regularly and contains a variety of career opportunities for people of all working backgrounds and experiences. You are also able to connect with individual advertisers who are in search of people that have more specific/contained skills in a particular career field. There are 7.8 billion people in the world, someone needs your skills – it’s just about looking in the right places!
Use Mainstream Internet Sources
Although these seem like the most obvious choices, make sure you are observing new-coming job opportunities on the following resources:
Although the opportunities on websites like these can be limited in each field, they often tend to advertise the biggest and most in demand roles,

Creative And Communicative Roles Are In Huge Demand
Being a creative soul in times like these can be terrifying, but don’t worry. Although some of you may not have as much as experience behind you as youdesire, this is not a barrier to finding great job opportunities or internships. The first step is to ensure that your resume and cover letter are in tip-top shape before sending out applications. If you are creative, it is likely that your resume will need amendments to make you stand out against the context of the coronavirus, and your ability to adapt remotely.
Visual essence is extremely important on your documents, and as interviews will also presumably take place online, first impressions are more crucial than ever. If you don’t have any solid experience behind you as a young person, it’s a fantastic idea to begin a material source of creative outlet that echoes what you are all about; a website, small business, blog or a creative choice of your own. Ensure this is prevalent on your resume and begin applications. Email and contact companies you are interested in for creative roles to see whether internships or job vacancies are available.
Additionally, consider communicative roles. If you have been in a role like this before, or additionally do not have a great deal of experience, communicative roles are great and flexible for most skillsets. Companies in search of communicative employees (all-round admin assistants, call help, line assistance) are helpful in providing solid guidelines about the necessary features of assuming an admin role. This means that you will be given set instructions and expectations that are moulded to you and are easy to pick up, as well as execute.

The cover image is of @abeeratanveerr and is shot by @mahamiqbalbosan
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