5 Things We Learnt About Orthapaedics Through Dr. Mohammad Yasir

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Sleep seems simple enough, but there’s so much about it that we aren’t familiar with. How does it affect our bones? Do certain postures make us more prone to back ache? And what exactly is osteoporosis? It’s to answer these questions that we had Dr. Mohammad Yasir – an orthopaedic surgeon and team member of Master Molty Foam’s Sleep Research Foundation shed light on all the queries you guys had asked. Keep reading to learn more: 

Getting Rid Of Back Pain

According to Dr. Mohammad Yasir, the major complain patients have are back pain or cervical issues. While this can greatly affect one’s quality of sleep, there are ways to treat it. Our expert recommends examining your ‘dietary intake, lifestyle and posture’ in order to remedy the pain as these things impact it adversely the most.

Osteoporosis Is Bone Weakening

Keep hearing about osteoporosis but don’t know exactly what it is? Luckily, our expert of the week broke it down for us. ‘It is a bone weakening disease that mainly involves women in old age. The main cause is calcium deficiency which we tend to not take.’ Dr Yasir says that taking care of your wrist, spine and hip joint is essential because these are the areas that mostly get affected during osteoporosis. Having a lack of calcium throughout your life makes it far more likely that one will develop osteoporosis as lack of it leads to weak bone density and early bone loss. Hence, make sure you’re adding enough calcium in your diet!

Signs That You Have Osteoporosis

In order to really know if you have osteoporosis, you’ll have to visit a professional and have them examine you and give you an official diagnosis. However, some signs to watch out for that might indicate the disease are decrease in height, constant back-ache, bone pain (this will need further evaluation) and fatigue.

The Recommended Posture If You Have Osteoporosis

The first thing you need to figure out is what your sleep posture is. Do you sleep on your back or to your side? Dr. Mohammad Yasir says that if you sleep on your back, the contour of the —- behind your knee needs to be maintained. Thus it is important to have a mattress that supports that. If you prefer sleeping on your side, the mattress must be soft enough that your contour can be maintained. If you have osteoporosis, you can go for an ortho mattress, but any medium firm mattress that supports your body will be ideal as well.

The Position You Sleep In Can Be Giving You Back Pain

If you thought the way you sleep doesn’t affect your back – think again! Our orthopaedic expert says that it’s important to maintain the natural curve of the spine when lying in bed. ‘You can do this by ensuring that the head, shoulders, and hips are in alignment, and that the back is supported.’

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