With the ongoing pandemic, the past few months have been mentally and emotionally exhausting for us all. But if there’s one thing we’ve learnt from this experience, it’s the fact that as long as we all stick together, nothing can get us down! All around the world, people have been performing multiple acts of kindness for others in an effort to continue spreading joy. Below are just some of the ways in which our followers have joined in on this initiative along with some exciting details on how Peek Freans has also been contributing to the spread of joy!
Spreading Joy Is Contagious
COVID-19 has been deeply unsettling for everyone, mainly because of the uncertainty and panic that it’s created. It has provided us with a wake-up call that now, more than ever, we need to appreciate the little things because there are so many instances that we take for granted. While it may not be easy, we can, however, start by making the people around us feel special.
Everyone Has Their Own Way Of Spreading Happiness – As Proven By Our Followers
Turns out there are a variety of ways one can spread happiness. It can be as simple as paying someone a compliment or cooking someone their favourite meal – what matters is the intention behind that action! We asked our followers on instagram what they have done recently to help spread joy and their responses truly made our day! Here is what they had to say:
Through Giving
‘By appreciating and thanking the frontline workers – I sent a box of goodies to my guard.’ – @shafaqtariq26
‘I am an artist and taught art to my househelp’s grandchildren’ – @strokesxnimra
‘Giving away books to the people around me’ – @shunzyna

‘By giving people hope that all will be well’ – @shanzah
‘By sharing positive stuff and sending my loved ones sanitised gifts’ – @amnah_creates
‘With little acts of kindness like a smile, leaving a place for handicapped people etc’ – @lubna7084
Even Giving Space
‘I have been spreading joy by minding my own business’ – @alizeytayyab

Through Words
‘Take care of them. Love them. Say kind words to them’ – @i.mariasaeed
‘Made sure I stayed in touch with my Daadi in Pindi!’ – @pakistani.girls.2605

‘Going to random people’s accounts and complimenting them cause who doesn’t love appreciation’ – @anabiya_saboor
‘By motivating them to keep doing whatever makes them feel happy’ – @sanaa_01
By Listening To Them And Being There For Them
‘Listening to them. Listen, listen listen. Even if you don’t completely understand. Just listen.’ – @huzaifachalkoo
‘By staying in contact and not denying help if they are in need’ – @itz_moniqa_05
‘Always a smile on my face and I’m a good listener. That’s why the people around me are happy to have me in their life!’ – @samerashazdi

‘By being a good listener to my patients’ – @rafiajavedcheema
‘Checking up on them!’ – @eashabudhwani
‘By remaining in contact and not denying to help if they are in need’ – @itz_moniqa_09
‘Being there for them anytime’ – @fatimahali12
With Food!
‘I made good chai for my mom and helped her in the kitchen’ – @mahirakhan8799
‘Sending them virtual fortune cookies!’ – @rabbiyaawahid
‘Making chocolate lava cake for my family’ – @maryamm_sarfrazz
‘I’ve been baking lots of treats and giving them out to neighbours’ – @aleeza.a.khan

How Peek Freans Has Spread Joy
Peek Freans has also been making people across Pakistan smile through their recognition of today’s most important people – our frontline workers! They are the real heroes as it is through their tireless dedication that the rest of us are able to stay safe and continue spreading joy to our loved ones. To show their gratitude, Peek Freans donated 350 million rupees towards COVID-19 relief efforts to help those who are the most affected by the pandemic. In their video message below, they are seen giving gift boxes to show their appreciation, each bearing a word that is symbolic of the things we could use more of right now – care, love, umeed, jazba and himmat. Well done Peek Freans! Now it’s our turn to be inspired and spread khushi in whatever way we can. After all, there can never be enough of it.
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