The Health Checkups You Need To Be Getting And Why

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People tend to be lazy when it comes to getting health checkups, primarily because of how tedious the whole process can be. However, these checkups are imperative to keep you ahead of any illnesses and to make sure you’re healthy. A lot of people prefer to get them at the start of the year so that they’re out of the way – maybe you could try that! Keep reading to find out what health checkups you need to be getting regularly and why:


Physicians have recommended that annual checkups keep the body fit and free from any potential disease. Here are a few benefits to convince you to get them for yourself and your family:

  • They reduce the risk of catching any potential sickness or disease 
  • Help detect life-threatening diseases that can be treated early on
  • Increase lifespan and make you healthy and fit
  • Reduce health-care costs for the year
  • Limits risk of complications by monitoring already existent diseases 
  • Gets one updated on new technology and medical information

The Information Needed Before A Health Checkup

Before getting a health checkup done, your doctor will ask for information regarding some general details. This is usually followed by a physical exam. Here is an overview of what they might need information about:

  • Medical History 
  • Family History
  • Lifestyle Information and Habits
  • Physical Examination

Recommended Tests


This involves vaccines that will prevent and protect your body from particular diseases. You can get yourself immunised to be safe from Influenza, Hepatitis A & B, HPV, MMR and more. 

Cancer Screenings

Cancer screenings aim to screen specific areas where cancer may develop like colorectal, skin, cervical (women), testicular & prostate (men) and breast (women). 

Blood tests and Haemogram 

Testing blood plasma can indicate if there are any issue with the kidneys, liver, blood chemistry and immune system. Blood tests can also determine any signs of infection, anemia, deficiencies and more. 

Lipid Profile

These are also a set of blood tests that help determine risks for a coronary heart disease, something which depend upon eating habits, diet, stress, exercise and life-style related.

Liver And Kidney Function Tests

These are also in a way blood tests which allow you to check the proper functionality of the kidney and the liver.

Blood Sugar

This test helps to determine diabetes, and the level of sugar in the blood. Overnight fasting is required for this test to be conducted.

Chest X-rays

The X-ray helps to analyse the organs located in that area. It can detect pneumonia, heart failure, lung cancer, tuberculosis, fibrosis, and more.


The ECG test monitors the heart rate and the uniformity of the heartbeat. Through the measurement of the electrical activity, one can determine any abnormalities being produced by the heart with every beat.

Ultrasonography And Urine Examination

This test observes the bladder, pancreas, liver, kidneys, gall, and spleen. However, the urine examination tests the general health of the body for systematic and metabolic diseases.

Tests That Are Easy To Forget But Are Just As Important


This screening involves a full physical head to toe examination of your body by the dermatologist, who will look for anything unusual like bruises, discolouring, and spots to detect infections or cancer. 


The dentist may also look for signs of cavities or oral cancer developing in the mouth. You may also get tips from the dentist on how to prevent gum inflammation, staining, and maintaining a better hygiene. 

Sensory test

The test includes checking up on the Ophthalmologists for your eye vision and Otolaryngologists for your ear hygiene and infection. 


This is mostly overlooked and dismissed as unimportant, but it is vital that every individual talks to a therapist from time to time, even if you are feeling okay. A checkup is essential to ensure that your mental health stays stable and great. Plus, remember – there is nothing wrong with therapy. It’s something we all should be involved in for our mental well-being!

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