Are you an avid reader who is just ACHING to read something new? We understand the sentiment – we are too! But ordering anything during COVID is a mission because it might mean a lot of safety precautions. If you do want to order new books though (or not!), we have some tips for you! Keep reading to find out:
If you have already placed an order of books, here are a few ways to be safe while reading them:
1). Disinfect The Cover
You obviously can’t disinfect the pages, but taking alcohol wipes to swipe down the cover will get rid of any possible contamination. Just make sure you’re gentle and careful – this is a book after all!
2). Use A Different Book Cover On the Original
If you think disinfecting it isn’t enough, use a book cover to minimise your contact with the book. Create a DIY one with fabric – such as with old t shirts you don’t wear – or make it with chart paper. You can go all out and be creative with it too! Get out your markers and paints, and make it a fun quarantine activity. Remember to include the book title and author name on the cover!

3). Wash Your Hands After Reading
Washing your hands after reading (or pretty much anything), is a good idea. As we all know, hand hygiene is extremely important in keeping the virus at bay, so if you ever feel like you might be handling potentially contaminated things, make sure to wash your hands!
4). Try To Avoid Libraries
If the libraries in your area have opened up, try to avoid them. A space like that can get populated and it can be hard to throughly disinfect all the shelves, corners and books that possible infected people have touched. But despite that risk, you also can’t be sure where the book has gone and what germs it might have been exposed to. Better safe than sorry!

Or instead of purchasing a physical book, you can:
5). Read Online
Purchasing a book online has become easier than ever. If you own a kindle, it’s exceptionally convenient and simple. If not, you can still easily buy books on the books app present in your iPhone, or on ebooks online. P.S – our phones/tablets tend to carry the most germs because of our constant use of them, so remember to wipe them down with an antibacterial wipe!
7). Listen To An Audiobook
Purchasing an audiobook is also a great option and Audible has so many that we’re sure you’ll fall in love with. If you’re someone who doesn’t listen to audiobooks normally, it might take some time for you to get used to it. But once you do, you’ll realise it’s just as gripping!

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