8 Skincare Lessons We Learnt From Naqiba Munshi

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If there’s one thing you can never know enough of, it’s your skin. After all, it is the largest organ of your body so you’re bound to have endless questions about it. For this reason, our expert for this week was dermatologist, Naqiba Munshi of Elements MediSpa. Keep reading to find out everything we learnt from this specialist!

1. Pigmentation As We Age

Often, as you age, you’ll notice some areas of your face becoming darker than others. This happens because of various reasons, and our expert broke them down for us! Hormonal changes, pregnancy and over exposure to sunlight all contribute to hyper-pigmentation. ‘Post-pregnancy pigmentation is difficult to predict, some people may get iron deficient after it.” Consult a specialist to find out what exactly is affecting your skin! But don’t forget to apply a high spectrum sunlight; our expert recommends re-applying it after a two hour duration!

2. Causes and Prevention Of Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders and around 80 percent of people are affected by it after the onset of puberty. There are certain things that can flare it up and trigger it, and despite it being so common, people don’t always understand why it happens. Naqiba says, “Hormonal causes, over-use of makeup, not cleaning makeup or not using cosmogenic products all can contribute to acne.” It is important to go to your dermatologist and find out what exactly is causing your acne. For people with PCOS, the treatment of acne has to do with underlying hormonal issues which can only be treated if one knows about them. “A medicated face wash, an acne cream in the morning and a stronger cream with retional or Vitamin A should be used in the evening, along with sunblock,” says Naqiba.

3. Long Term Side Effects Of Using Accutane

Accutane or Isotretinoa is a drug used to treat severe acne that hasn’t responded to other treatments and is meant to be very effective. Its side effects are often speculated about and should only be using after consultation with your doctor and dermatologist. Naqiba says, “thinning of the skin and impaired healing of the skin,” are some of the possible side effects of accutane. It especially should not be taken during pregnancy as it could cause harm to the foetus!

4. Hydra-facial: Worth It?

Hydra-facials are all over social media right now and everyone seems to be either getting one, or wanting to get one. It is a medical grade treatment using different serums to clear out your pores and, you guessed it – hydrate your skin! Naqiba says, “skin texture improves, fine lines improve and your skin will feel superior.” What are you waiting for? This has a stamp of approval from the expert herself!

5. How To Prevent Rosacea from Flaring Up

If you suffer from rosacea, or redness of certain parts of your face, and it constantly looks like you are blushing, you might be looking for ways to prevent this from getting worse. “Stay away from heat, spicy food and the sun are the best ways to prevent it,” according to our specialist.

6. Getting Rid Of Dark Circles

Everyone’s had a few sleepless nights that’s left them with dark circles they just can’t get rid of, no matter how much they try. If you have extreme dark circles, Naqiba’s advise is to go to a dermatologist to find out the underlying cause and consequently, get prescribed a medical grade eye cream. As for procedures, she lists “carboxy therapy, measel therapy, q-switch therapy and platelet rich plasma (PRP)” as some of the available options.

7. Tackling Dryness In Winter

Winter means cozy sweaters, hot chocolate and…dry skin. With the low temperatures and consistent use of hot water, it’s not surprising that your skin starts to flake off. Our expert reccomends using a good emollient and a moisturiser that is medically graded. “Vitamin E, evening primrose oil and borage oil” are all ingredients to look out for during the winter to improve your skin texture!

8. What Skincare For Men Should Include

Who says skincare is just for women? It’s equally important for men and there’s so much they can do to improve their skin health. Naqiba says they should use “a good quality face wash, sun block, a hyaluronic acid based serum and incorporate vitamin C in their routine.”

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