Word Of Mash: Luxury Facials – Worth It Or Not?

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Skin care has been all the buzz over the last couple of years. Instead of obsessing over the latest Naked palette, we’ve moved on to obsessing over the latest skin care product that will do wonders to your skin. But women around the world have always coveted perfect, flawless and glowing skin, and one key step to achieving that is facials!

Facials come in all different shapes and sizes and we desis are particularly well known for our natural ingredient totkas. But getting a facial isn’t just about slathering some product on your skin – it’s an experience, and a luxurious one at that. Whether at home or a spa, facials are synonymous for relaxation – dim lights, scented candles, ambient music and an hour or so of serenity. There’s no shortage of luxury facials in the market – with diamond and gold facials being very trendy – but we turned to you. Are luxury facials actually worth all that money? Here’s what you had to say!

Not Convinced

An overwhelming amount of you were just not onboard with spending an arm and a leg for a facial and we can understand why! 

“Waste of time and money.” @saba_aman

“No, because breakouts will happen anyway!” @x_itz_zoeya_x

“No. It’s a waste of money because they are very expensive!” @simrasasoli

On The Fence

Some of you thought that getting some pampering once in a while isn’t such a bad idea!

“Sometimes they are!” @khushbakhtawan

“Depends on what kind of facial it is tbh.” @aarjayyy

“Honestly, it varies from place to place!” @ufaqashfaque

All For It

A lot of you did stand by luxury facials and their benefits, especially hydra facials! It all depends on what kind of facial it is. 

“Yess!” @fsaalam

“Yes, we all need pampering once in a while!” @robbyheera

“Hydra facials FTW!” @ameenah_chaudhry

Deeper Understanding

A few of your believed that it’s actually a lot more complicated than that. A lot of factors come into play but the key is truly understanding your skin and what it needs! 

“Any facial not designed to work with your particular skin type will never be worth it.” @nusairteli

“Facials are a temporary treatment to our problems. It’s better if we understand our skin type and choose skin care products wisely.” @mehreenkhanum

“Highly doubt it in Karachi. But I understand you need to get some things done once in a while!” @ufaqashfaque

Home Remedies

Honestly, home remedies are just as good, achieve the same results and are a fraction of the cost – and some of you agree! 

“Simple home remedies have similar effects!” @sassy.saadia

“Noo home remedies are the BEST!” @flarebysarah

“Nah, water does it all!” @khadijajawed

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