5 Things That Will Help You Sleep Well

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You know that feeling when you get into a bed after a long, tiring day and have the best sleep of your life? It’s one of life’s greatest moments that we cherish dearly! But we know there are many of you that keep tossing and turning in bed with no signs of sleep. We know just how frustrating it is when you’re ready to relax and sleep, but it just won’t happen, no matter how many sheep’s you count! To help you find some peace and get some zzz’s, we’ve compiled a list of things you can do that are guaranteed to lull you into peaceful slumber.

1. Set The Mood

This one’s a no brainer; if you want a deep sleep, you need to have the right environment. Switch off all the lights in your room are off, keep your phone away from you and make sure your sheets and pillows are just the way you like them. An hour before bed, light a calming candle in the room (we recommend eucalyptus) and have a cup of green tea. Once you bring yourself in a relaxing mood, falling asleep will become easier!

2. Breathing

Focusing on breathing will not only keep your nerves in check, it will also focus your mind and lower your heart rate. It doesn’t have to be a whole routine, but just simple meditation before bed will help you relax your mind and body and sleep will come easier!

3. Take A Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath has long been associated with relaxation. Research suggests that a warm bath an hour before sleeping can improve the quality of your sleep. The hot water will lower your body temperature, which will signal the body that it’s time for sleep. Plus, getting into clean sheets after a relaxing bath is the best feeling!

4. Exercise Before Bed

Exercising two or so hours before bed will relax your body and release endorphins that will help you sleep better. Aim for moderate exercise, in which you’re able to carry out a conversation, which won’t increase your heart rate too much. You don’t want to increase your body temperature, so opt for some light yoga. And don’t exercise just before bed – make sure you have an hour or two in-between the workout and sleep!

5. Use Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for centuries to promote relaxation and mental and physical wellness. Researchers found that a blend of sleep-promoting essential oils, such as lavender and sage, effectively improve both sleep quality and quality of life. Try using these oils with a diffuser and if you don’t have access to that, get a lavender-scented pillow spray!

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