In today’s digital world, asking someone if they keep a journal is no different than asking them if they still send letters. Technology may have made a lot of things easier but typing out your day-to-day activities on a computer can never replace the closure you get by writing them out in a journal. Keeping a journal may have been about revealing your secret crushes back in the day, but as you grow older, journaling becomes more relevant to your everyday life. If you don’t already keep a journal, the following reasons will convince you to start doing it now!
1. It Has Mental Health Benefits
Bottling up feelings is a big cause of increased stress and depression in many people. If you’re reluctant to share your emotions and feelings with others, a journal can double as your best friend and therapist! Expressive writing is proven improve one’s mood and manage symptoms of depression, which is why many mental health experts recommend journaling. Whether you write something positive or negative, full paragraphs or a few lines – journaling will help you clear your mind and figure out what exactly is bothering you.
2. Helps Harness Your Creativity
If we start discussing every creative benefit of keeping a journal, we’ll be here forever. Journals are your creative portals; they improve your writing, help you process ideas and brainstorm new ones! From writing down what you dreamt to what you did throughout your day, keeping a journal allows you to think freely and gives your mind space for creative thought. Plus, with today’s bullet journal trend, you can experiment with calligraphy and many more creative ways of journaling.
3. Helps Keep Track Of Your Progress
Whether personal or professional, progress is an essential element for everyone’s growth. Following your progress gives you encouragement and helps you stay focused towards your goal. While it’s important to track your faults and failures, thinking too much about them can hinder your growth. When it comes to achieving a certain goal, writing about your journey of reaching it will help you record how close you are from your goal. And don’t forget, progress can be slow but rewarding!
4. Improve Your Organisational Skills
Remember how school life was so organised? From your sleep timings to studying and playing; everything happened in a sequence. Sadly, adult life is nothing like that. A large number of adults, especially millennials, are often complaining about how disorganised their lives are. One way to organise your life is by maintaining a journal. Knowing you’ll have to jot down your day-to-day activities will make you more mindful of how you spend your day. It’ll also bring you in the habit of making to-do lists and reminders of important tasks.
5. Helps Solve Problems
One of the biggest advantages of keeping a journal is that it acts a problem-solving tool for your professional and personal problems. The best way to solve a problem is by identifying it accurately and understanding it thoroughly. In such a situation, nothing gives you better perspective than writing. Write down your problems and the questions you have about them or make a pros and cons list. Once you have all this information visually in front of you, you’ll be able to find the answers you need.
6. Help You In Self-Improvement
Your journal is your safe place. Whatever you write in it is about you and only for you. It’s a place where you can be totally honest with yourself. You can write about your worst habits, regrets and crazy thoughts. Writing about these things will help you reflect on how you are as a person and you’ll be able to improve yourself if need be. After all, there’s always room for improvement!
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