All those sleepless nights, not using sunscreen and skipping body lotion may seem harmless right now. But they will definitely affect your skin in your 40s and 50s and cause you much more stress than needed. Don’t let the bad habits of your 20s and 30s affect your future self! If you don’t know where to start, don’t sweat it! We have you sorted, just keep scrolling!
1. Keep Your Hair Strong
It’s every girl’s dream to have long, free-flowing hair. But the reality is often damaged hair and dry ends that need to be cut off. The solution is to strengthen your hair from the root to tip and doing this isn’t as hard as it seems. Use a good conditioner that will nourish your hair and repair any damage. Along with that, use natural oils and hair masks to give your hair the TLC it deserves!
2. Eat Healthy
Having clear skin and healthy hair is a by-product of your lifestyle. After all, you are what you eat and a balanced, nutritious diet will only benefit you. Eating healthy speeds up skin cell turnover and accelerates hair growth! Some lesser-known ingredients packed with beauty benefits include raisins, which are great for curbing sugar cravings and are high in silica (the mineral your hair thrives on), and pumpkin seeds, which are rich in zinc and protect your scalp from flakiness.
3. Protect Your Skin
SPF 50+ is the main thing that’s standing between you and flawless skin. So take our word for it, don’t skimp on your sunscreen! But don’t forget to protect the part of your body that sees the most sun – your hair. Women’s hair is three times more exposed to the sun than skin, which can lead to brittle ends, colour-fade and frizzy hair. To protect your hair against damaging UV rays, make sure you’re not skimping on your conditioner.

4. Don’t Forget Your ABC’s
By ABC’s we mean the vitamins that will keep you glowing from inside out. Vitamins can be a tad confusing so here’s a quick refresher why you need them:
- Vitamin A improves the skin’s barrier function and treats acne and rosacea. It has anti-ageing properties as well as and is known for regulating sebum production in your hair.
- Vitamin B is vital for maintaining glossy lengths and improving fullness – so consider taking a supplement such as Biotin. Keep an eye out for vitamin B3 in your serums as well, as it helps reduce redness and pore size.
- Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that builds collagen that will strengthen your hair. It can also help exfoliate and brighten your skin, making it a miracle worker for pigmentation.
5. Give Your Brows A Boost
Though they sound like a gimmick, lash and brow-boosting serums do actually work! The proteins in the serum help restore thickness to over-plucked brows and slow down hair loss. Apply a serum every night to see an improvement as early as next week.

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