The Do’s And Dont’s Of At-Home Waxing

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Is your busy schedule hindering your monthly visits to the salon and delaying your wax sessions? Fret not, we are bringing the salon to your home! Waxing is not simply a task restricted to salons only, you can do it easily at home as well. And if you ask us, the latter is definitely a better option. You don’t need to hassle to find an appointment, and you’ll also save money on salon waxing treatments — sounds amazing! To give yourself a salon like wax at home, all you need is a wax kit and a little know-how about the dos and don’ts of waxing. If you’re a total novice, these dos and don’ts will make your first attempt at waxing at home super easy and smooth.


1. Exfoliate Before And After

Exfoliate a day before waxing to minimise the chances of ingrown hairs and ensure a smooth wax. Post-wax, exfoliate your skin really gently with a soft exfoliator to smooth out skin and remove any wax residue. Don’t forget to follow up with a good moisturiser!

2. Test The Temperature

Please don’t confuse hot wax with boiling wax. The trickiest part of waxing at home is getting the optimal temperature. Too hot and you’ll burn yourself (we’ve been there), too cold and it won’t work! A great way to test the temperature is by applying a little wax on the inside of your wrist. Always take precaution with wax! You don’t want any nasty burn marks.

3. Start With Your Legs

If it’s the first time you’re giving yourself an at-home wax, make sure you start with your legs. It’s less risky since you can see exactly what you’re doing, allowing you to have some room for mistakes.

4. Apply And Pull In The Right Direction

Before you get started with waxing, remember: the direction you apply and pull the wax in has an important role to play. Always apply in the opposite direction of your hair growth as the hair will adhere better this way. Once you’ve spread the wax on a specific area, place a cloth strip over it, gently smooth it down and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Make sure the movement is quick for minimum pain!


1. Wax Hair That’s Too Short Or Too Long

The ideal hair length suitable for waxing is about 1/4 inch to 1/2 an inch. Anything shorter or longer than this will make waxing much more painful and hinder the smooth finish you’re aiming to achieve.

2. Wax The Same Area More Than Twice

Going over the same area again and again won’t give you a smooth finish. In fact, it’ll only make things worse! It can be extremely painful, can damage the skin and increase your chances of ingrown hairs.

3. Take A Hot Shower Right After

No matter how sticky and irritated you feel after waxing, never take a hot shower right after waxing! Doing this will make your skin more sensitive and cause irritation. It can widen your pores and allow your skin to break out. Use a cold wet towel or oil to wipe at the waxed area if you need to clean the area.

4. Pick At Ingrown Hairs

It can be really tempting to pick at ingrown hair – we’ve all been there – but trust us, it will definitely make things worse. It can lead to an infection and nobody wants that after spending ages waxing your body! Do yourself a favour and just don’t do it.

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