6 Airplane Etiquettes Every Traveller Should Follow

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Whether a frequent flyer or occasional one, airport etiquette is something that just flies over most people’s heads (we love puns!). Flying isn’t just about getting on a plane, taking Instagram photos from the window seat and landing at your destination. Your airplane behaviour is what differentiates you from a good to a bad one and trust us, this stuff is important! Out of the many types of people on a plane, the worst is the one who walks on board with their bad attitude and ruins what could have been a few hours of bliss. To make sure you’re not that person, read on and learn six airplane etiquette rules that you must follow!

1. Respect The Armrest

The biggest dilemma of sitting in a plane is deciding which armrest belongs to whom. While the aisle and window seats get the outer armrest, it’s tricky to decide which one’s for the middle seat.  If you’re on the window or aisle seat, let the middle seat enjoy both the armrests. After all, they’re already in much more discomfort than you.

2. Keep The Pace Up

From airport security to boarding the plane, there’s a lot of queuing up involved when you travel. And honestly, no one wants to stand behind someone who’s haphazardly looking for their passport and tickets in a line. So don’t be the person who arrives at the counter and takes forever locating things! Be prepared and keep all your things ready beforehand to make yours – and our – lives easier.

3. Avoid Wearing Strong Perfumes

Your floral perfume may refresh you in an instant, but it can cause a headache or allergic reaction for others. Overpowering perfumes, colognes or body sprays are a big no-no when you’re in a flight. Keep your scent light, fresh and pleasant – your fellow passengers will thank you.

4. Be Sensible With Using Your Phone

The urge to stay in touch with your loved ones when you’re 35,000 feet up in the air is understandable – flying can be a daunting task for some of us. But having full-fledged, loud conversations on your phone 24/7 is extremely rude and annoying, especially on an overnight flight. There’s a reason texting was invented – use it!

5. Practice Silence

Like we just said, an airplane cruising at a high altitude, with 500 passengers is certainly not the best place to have loud conversations. It’s difficult to keep yourself from having fun when flying with friends, but don’t forget there are others around you. There could be people flying for work, who need their peace before getting back to business, or even people flying in difficult circumstances. Keep things down and let everyone enjoy a peaceful flight.

6. Keep It Clean

This one’s a no brainer.  After all, cleanliness is godliness. Make sure to leave the plane in the same condition you want it when you get on – clean. Trash in the seat pocket and mess in the aisle is just gross and against all etiquettes – flying or otherwise. Keep your surroundings clean for an all around pleasant experience.

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