5 Types Of People You Should Steer Clear From At Work

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The workplace can get pretty dull at times, even on the good days. Spending eight to nine hours in the same place, day after day, mandates getting along with everyone and having those work bff’s to vent with. But don’t forget that it is after all your office – not college – so you can’t just trust anyone blindly. Among the good co-workers you’ll also encounter the shrewd ones. Below, we highlight the five kinds of toxic people you better keep at arm’s length!

The Backstabber

This one is worse than your biggest rival. Imagine how it would feel if you share a great idea with them and in front of the boss it suddenly becomes their idea? Yup, that’s what backstabbers do. The less you tell them, the better.

The Chatterbox

They don’t intend to get you in trouble, but spending hours discussing Keeping Up with the Kardashians, what you bought from Sapphire’s latest sale and other random stuff with them can affect your work.

The Rumour Monger

Their sole purpose of coming to work is to get the juiciest titbits of everyone’s life, exaggerate it and then spread it like wildfire. They can be really toxic to work with. Not only do they waste your time but if you end up on their bad side, they can end up defaming you.

The Boss’ Minion

This one is equally hated (read: envied) by everyone. Spill on how much you hate the boss and the next minute you’ll be called in to give explanations. Get it? They can never be trusted!

The Know-It-All

They will do everything they can to make you feel inferior and useless. They’re the kind of people who will instruct the doctor on what medicine to prescribe, as if they know better. They might steal the limelight in meetings, but don’t get intimidated!

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