10 Lessons To Learn From Amna Ilyas’ Style

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Glamour comes naturally to a supermodel, but style doesn’t — that’s just of those innate instincts certain women are born with. We keep our eye out for the trendsetters, and the clothes that always strike out to us are the ones Amna Ilyas sets out in. She dabbles in edgy pieces and feminine cuts alike, and most notably, always dresses for her body type. That’s the number one rule every girl must always follow before buying a new garment. Your purchase could be a thrift store find or a designer good, but if it isn’t meant for your body type, it’ll never look good. Period. The chiselled model turned actress knows how to give a lesson or two in fashion and beauty effortlessly. From her no-nonsense casual aviators to the most luxurious formal garments, colour us obsessed!

1. Don’t Let Stereotypes Influence Your Style

Stereotypes are mean’t to be broken, not embraced. Amna breaks barriers with her career and her style. She wears loud shades that people usually shy away from, wears nude and red lips given the occasion, and is scared never to experiment. The overarching message her style sends is ‘you’re perfect as long as you feel comfortable in your own skin.’

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2. Flaunt Your Favourite Feature

Most of us aren’t born with supermodel, runway ready bodies – it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Our bodies have cellulite, stretch marks, bumps and dimples. It’s the magic of being a woman. Beyond embracing our flaws, stylish women know how to flaunt their best feature. Amna is blessed with many, but two of our favourite ones – her collar bones and long legs – steal the show when she opts for V-necks, off the shoulders tops, skirts, and dresses with high slits. Take a cue from her and highlight the part of you think is the best.

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3. Comfort Is Key

Heavy bridal lehengas and outfits are strictly reserved for the red carpet. When attending red carpet events, Amna opts for chic comfort. The actress prefers cosy outfits, sneakers, and messy hair while travelling. Chic is a mindset, not a job.

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4. Dare To Accessorise

An outfit without accessories is like a house without furniture. The bare bones are there, but there’s no character! Express yourself with your accessories and push the boundaries. From statement chokers and chunky necklaces to elegant, understated earrings, the model picks flamboyant pieces that accentuate her vibe of the day. She lets her accessories do the talking.

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5. Don’t Stick To One Designer Or Label

As normal people, we have our favourite high street stores – H&M, Alkaram, Ideas. Meanwhile, models and actresses have their favourite designers! While high street stores offer varied styles and aesthetics that appeal to masses of people, they usually stick to one overall vibe. That could be edgy and young, or a bit older and more conservative. Similarly, designers let out entire collections that reflect their creative genius. This also means that their collections don’t stray too far from the overall brands aesthetic either. The last thing you wan’t is to look one note, or too boring. Keep a handful of favourite brands, and shop between them!

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[twl_embed link=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BgNYA7OBprE/?taken-by=aamnailyas”]

6. Play With Your Tresses

Call it a job requirement or her confidence, the 7DMI actress is always up for trying new hairstyles. Tight curls, top knots, buns or wet hair looks, Amna has slayed them all and inspires us to do the same.

[twl_embed link=”https://www.instagram.com/p/_EP72cA13H/?taken-by=aamnailyas”]

7. Never Compromise On Your Fashion

Vacations are made of intensive outfit planning, only to get on vacation and ditch them for the comfiest thing around. Amna has mastered the art of vacation style, by keeping it comfortable too. No matter where she goes, the fashionista always stays true to her signature style.

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8. Have At least One Go To Sartorial Piece

It’s important to have a favourite piece that you know will always work for you. You can then build a look around it. This helps you create multiple outfits centred around a single piece. For Amna, high-waisted pants seem to never go wrong.

[twl_embed link=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BigWSbCg95-/?taken-by=aamnailyas”]

9. Dabble With Shades

A classic pair of Raybans will never go out of style. Having said that, sunglasses are just another way of having fun with your outfit. Experiment with different shades, colours, and brands. Amna is always sporting a different pair.

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10. A Little Tint Goes A Long Way

Nobody wears makeup 24/7 – not even supermodels. Amna never hesitates to go makeup free either. The natural beauty has been seen stepping out in nothing but a rosy tint on her lips for a fresher look. One look at her Instagram selfies and you’ll know what we’re talking about. Maybe it’s time for all of us to take a break from full faces of makeup.

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