What To Do After A Break Up With Your BFF

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Boyfriends and best friends can’t be compared — they both exist in entirely other leagues. They can both be sources of happiness and comfort, but at the end of the day, whether you’ve just come back from a good date or a bad one, it’s your best friend you’re going to call. They’re your forever person. The one your entire family knows. Even the extended cousins. They’ve seen you at your worst and been side by side with you during your peaks. That’s why the hurt cuts so deeply when you lose that friend. You’ve lost your best friend, and ironically, you can’t imagine wanting to cry on anyone else’s shoulder about it either. There may not be a million sad songs or movies about best friend break ups, but that doesn’t mean the pain isn’t real. The mourning period that occurs after a best friend breakup is normal. Wanting to isolate yourself, and feeling hollow are just a couple of the symptoms of grief. We won’t lie to you: moving on isn’t easy. It isn’t impossible either! There are ways you can help yourself feel better. We listed a few of them down below! We speak with experience.

1. Take Time To Process Your Emotions

 Your friendship may have ended in the blink of an eye, but getting over it definitely won’t happen as quickly. You’ll deal with a plethora of emotions — anger, regret, confusion and sadness — all at once. But before you force yourself to move on and ignore those feelings, it’s important to give yourself time to grieve. Allow yourself to process and sort these emotions as that’s the only way you’ll begin to heal.

2. Get Busy

Getting involved in activities that keep you busy and help you meet new people always helps. Your daily routine may be a little out of whack without the friend with whom you spent most of your time, but that shouldn’t stop you from utilising your spare time. Join a gym, volunteer for different causes, go for a daily walk — indulge yourself in as many things as you can that make you feel good.

Don’t Hunt For A New Best Friend Instantly

One bad experience shouldn’t break your trust in true friendship. One of the best ways to cope with a best friend break up is to make new friends.. but don’t just do it for the sake of filling the void. Strong bonds are never made forcefully. Instead of pressurising yourself to find a new best friend, focus on meeting and spending time with people that you genuinely find interesting.

Keep Your Mutuals Out Of It

When two friends split up, they’re not the only ones to suffer. The mutual friends have to deal with it too. Putting them in a situation where they are forced to pick sides is never a good idea. Neither is drifting apart from them. Instead, maintain your social life with your mutual friends and avoid bringing up the issue, because the last you want to do is alienate them by making things awkward for them.

Don’t Regret The Good Times

Those gossip sessions, uncontrollably laughing moments, and celebrations of new milestones made for great memories. Moving on from a friendship doesn’t mean you should stop appreciating the good times spent together. Cherish them forever – they helped shaped who you are today.

Take A Break From Social Media

Seeing Snapchat or Instagram stories of your now ex-friend having a great time with their new squad, or tagging them in posts they once tagged you in, can make your blood boil and hinder your healing process. To avoid feeling more hurt, gather up your courage and either take some time off social media or unfollow them from.

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