10 Posts From The Pakistani Martha Stewart That Will Have You On The Floor

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The Pakistani Martha Stewart is an Instagram account that explores the woes of South Asian women through a comedic lens. Their social commentary holds nothing back, and no one left unscathed. It’s the kind of relatable content that takes everything wrong with our society and repackages it as killer punchlines. We couldn’t just keep these gems to ourselves — you deserve to laugh at them just as hard as we did! 

1. Why It’s Funny: Because Pakistani logic is one of a kind – truly!

2. Why It’s Funny: Because we can picture the exact person we’d want to say this to!

3. Why It’s Funny: Because Pakistan is the only place in the world ‘healthy’ is used negatively

4. Why It’s Funny: Because it calls out our culture of colourism perfectly

5. Why It’s Funny: Because did you even make a non-brown friend if you didn’t fool them into saying something funny in Urdu?

6. Why It’s Funny: Because we’ve all had bargain buys come back to bite us!

7. Why It’s Funny: Because there are some words our parents will never learn to say properly, and we just have to accept that

8. Why It’s Funny: Because this is one of those unavoidable awkward encounters we’ve all experienced

9. Why It’s Funny: Because the big fat Pakistani wedding isn’t complete without an over the top, overpriced johra!

10. Why It’s Funny: Because every Pakistani girl dreams about a Ranveer, and every boy his Shakira – they just never end up with them

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