9 Bold Things Every Woman Should Do In Her Lifetime

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It’s time to quit playing it safe and take the road less travelled! We tend to live our lives on autopilot when we’re dealing with deadlines and jobs, or the demands of everyday life. Shake it up and break out of your comfort zone every now and then — it’s important to do things just for yourself, and to live independently. Read these ten bold things every woman should do in their life!

1. Dine Out Alone At A Restaurant

It might sound (read: feel) a bit awkward at first, but trust us, eating out alone is worth trying. Always dining out with people can be fun, but distracting. When you’re by yourself you can really focus on the sounds and visuals around you, which can be quite therapeutic. It’s good to spend time with ourselves! Treat yourself to a night out eating your favourite cuisine. Don’t worry about people staring at you — it’s all in your head. At the end of the day you’ll know for sure that the best company is yourself.

2. Learn A Foreign Language

Charlemagne said, “to have another language is to possess a second soul.” Learning a new language can bring you new perspectives from worlds foreign to your own. Not only do you learn new words, but discover the soul of a different culture. Free apps such as Duolingo and various online courses have made it easier than ever to learn a new language. What are you waiting for? Get started! 

3. Go Out Without Makeup

It’s fun to be a diva and glam up. Buying new makeup can be a form of self care and retail therapy all on its own — but sometimes wearing makeup can start to feel like a compulsory chore, and be a bull dozer to our self esteem. If you’re not a fan of wearing it everyday, then don’t! The idea that women have to constantly look made up is a misogynistic one. Go out barefaced and flaunt your natural skin like a boss! And if it helps, going makeup free is now a celebrity trend too.

4. Learn An Aimless Skill

Not everything you do needs to have a purpose. Sometimes the most pointless things can give you the most joy. Be it playing a musical instrument, knitting or painting; you should learn something just for yourself without a goal intended for it. The process will surprise you, and take the pressure off of whatever you’re doing.

5. Volunteer For A Good Cause

Do you ever wish to make a difference in society, but don’t know how? The simplest way is to pick a cause that’s near your heart and find an organisation that helps them. From teaching at a non-profit school to working for an animal shelter, or spending some time at an old age home – there are numerous productive ways to contribute to making the world a better place. It doesn’t have to be a full-time job. Do the research and take out a couple hours a week — the experience will be rewarding. 

6. Apply For Your Dream Job

We all have that one thing we love— for some those things can be basic like math, or writing, and for others, they can be more obscure: baking, playing the piano, interior design. Sometimes we need a push in order to pursue our dreams — take a chance and apply for your dream job, dream school or course; go talk to the people that can help make it happen. Life is too short to not do what you love.

7. Go For An Extreme Hair Transformation

Coco Chanel said, “a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” That’s exactly what we want you to do. Be it a drastic haircut or a bold hair colour, you won’t believe how powerful a hair transformation can be. You’ll feel like a new person.

8. Ride A Bicycle 

It’s time to get on a bike and head out for a memorable adventure. You might think it’s dangerous, but there are several new biking groups you can seek out and ride with! Grab a friend and channel the child inside you that used to love riding their bike, care free. 

Bonus: Besides riding a bike, driving a car is also a skill that is not only enjoyable but also useful to have. If you for some reason don’t know how to drive yet – this would be a good time to start learning!

9. Do Something You Considered Impossible

Climb a mountain, go skydiving, participate in a marathon – take up a challenge you never dreamed of, and prove your doubts wrong. It can be anything, as long you think it’s extraordinary – just do it!

Bonus: Travel Solo

If this isn’t already part of your bucket list – add it now! Travelling is fun, but travelling alone is a whole different ball game. From meeting new people to discovering yourself; taking a solo vacation once in your life is a must for every woman, for a lot of reasons.

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