Oh, your period just arrived. Ugh. It’s that time of the month again. No matter how much we power through, menstrual cramps can be uncomfortable and extremely overwhelming. We’re superheroes nevertheless, aren’t we girls? The truth is that for so many of us, our periods aren’t smooth sailing. It’s essential to look for ways to help us cope with suffering some seriously intense period pain every month: so here it goes! On ‘Ask Mashion’ last week, we asked all of you to pour in ideas for home remedies to relieve menstrual pain. Needless to say, the list we’ve compiled is going to put you on the right track.
Sip Some Milk:
It’s the age-old trick. The first thing that your mum gave you when you complained of cramps was a warm glass of milk, right? The hot drink is a remedy for menstrual cramps in two ways. It contains fluids that the body needs, and it also relaxes the cramping of your stomach. Moreover, the calcium and iron are beneficial for the body, especially during the time of your period. Here’s what some readers had to say:
“Warm milk with Shifa honey” – @hudathefatima
“I drink more milk like 4-5 cups a day, it helps a lot. Once I faced severe pain that was because of deficiency of calcium because calcitonin plays an important role of the menstrual cycle … so the doctor gave me calcium supplements so I think calcium is also imp.” – @zainabaziz
“I never take pills for it but the only healing thing is a hot glass of milk a day” – @iarshiataji
Adding Herbs To Your Diet:
Cinnamon has anti-spasmodic properties that help to reduce cramps and menstrual pain. It also works well for anti-inflammation, which means that it’ll reduce swelling and menstrual pain as a result. Chamomile tea, on the other hand, is another PMS saviour. Some studies have shown that drinking chamomile tea will increase glycine in your body, and in turn reduce muscle spasms. It’s also pretty delicious, which is a plus. Chamomile may also help to regulate irregular periods by stimulating blood flow in the pelvis and uterus. Here’s what some readers had to say:
“Camomile tea- does wonders” – @channelingnatasha
“Put one and a half cup of water in the pan and bring it to boil first, add one pinch of ajwain and tbsp of brown sugar, boil it and have one cup of this liquid, you will feel amazing” – @noor_qureshi4
“Eating methi daana (fenugreek seeds) is very effective” – @alinaapervez
Make The Hot Water Bottle Your Best Friend:
Heat relieves pain and using a hot water bottle, or a heating pad to sooth menstrual suffering is one of the simplest home remedies you can abide by. The heat helps you relax the contracting muscles in your uterus.
It’s a super simple process. Take a cloth or small towel, and warm it with an iron, or warm water. Place it on your abdomen where the discomfort is concentrated, and sleep on it. The cloth warms up your abdomen and acts as a reliever for the pain. Here’s what our readers had to say:
“Drink warm milk, a pinch of turmeric can do wonders too.” – @duabahleem
“Hot water bottle, warm milk and pons ton” – @sierra_myke
“Hot water pads” – @breshmina_kh
“Hot water in a rubber bottle and hot milk” – @kanchee3730
Go Bananas:
Don’t forget to add bananas to your PMS diet! Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and potassium, which can stop you from retaining water and feeling bloated. Too little potassium can cause muscle cramping — the last thing you want when menstrual cramps are on the horizon. A single banana will replace the potassium you lose from one to two hours of exercise, but if you’re not a fan, oranges are also a good source. Our readers said:
“Eat a banana before or during the cycle to avoid menstrual cramps and reduce bloating” – @hajira_07
“Being a nutritionist, I always rely on food options – bananas can help with cramps” – @rehab.so
“Bananas and green tea” – @spirwarni

Over The Counter Remedies:
If your menstrual cramps are too painful, you could consider taking some type of Over-The-Counter medication for a day or two. These medications are called “Anti-Prostaglandins.” They provide instant relief from discomfort, make your flow lighter, and reduce cramps. Our readers said:
“Medicine flexin” – @chaiholic16
“Use painkillers” – @s_faizaraza
“Advil” – @fatima011
Be Kind to Yourself:
Lastly, relax! There’s no need to stress about your period pain. Just follow these tried and tested tips to deal with menstrual cramps smartly. Stress always makes it worse, doesn’t it?
However, if none of these remedies work for you, then it’s worth paying a visit to your gynaecologist for further help.
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